Tuesday 21 June 2016

How to make an Inspiration "Board"

Today I am going to talk about a different way to make an inspiration board that doesn't require an actual board. I am going to show you the making of my inspiration space. All I used was photos; printed and personal, and washi tape. Before I made my Inspiration space for above for my desk space I researched a ton of them and different ways to make them. This blog post really helped me decide what I should put on mine. An inspiration space or board should display pictures that inspire you in all different areas of your life.

1. You have to have positive quotes

My personal mantra is "live what you love!" I chose to put that on my board plus some others.

2. Add add personal element

I chose to add a picture of my friend and I at our graduation last year.

3. Your current projects

I chose to put pictures go my own window displays using online software and my blog header.

4. An image from an unrelated field

The hot air balloon picture has nothing to do with anything; it's just cute.

5. A colour palette

I couldn't decide on one so I picked two. Light pink and blue are my two favourite colours.

6. Some aspirational photos

I chose pictures that represent fashion and travelling. 

First, I printed the pictures out (I would recommend using a thicker paper) and then arranged them on an open area to my liking before setting them in place.

With all that said here is mine:


All images were taken from Pinterest or they are my personal photos.

Let's stay in touch!

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  1. Lovely post thanks for sharing this!!
    Nice inspiration

  2. Oh how creative, I should try this, it look really neat. You have amazing blog and I follow you on BLOGLOVIN. please visit my blog and if you like it, would you follow me too? It really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much and please keep in touch! xoxo


    1. Thank you so much! Followed you back on Bloglovin :) Love your blog!

  3. Oh how creative, I should try this, it look really neat. You have amazing blog and I follow you on BLOGLOVIN. please visit my blog and if you like it, would you follow me too? It really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much and please keep in touch! xoxo



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