Friday 18 November 2016

Ms. Dress Up Zipper Pull | The Stress of Getting Dressed is Over

Have you ever struggled to get ready for an event because you couldn't get your dress to zip up or had to go find someone to help you zip it up? Well, Ms. Dress Up has created a solution to solve all of your getting ready problems!

Ms. Dress Up offers an innovative fashion solution for women; a one of a kind zipper pull. Founder, Natalie Catania was struggling to get her dress zipped up one day and pondered why getting dressed ultimately depended on someone being available to do up the zipper. A few months later she came up with the concept for the Zipper Pull after seeing a television show about divers. They all wore wetsuits and did them up effortlessly on their own with one tug of a strap attached to their back zipper.

Currently Ms. Dress Up offers two styles of their zipper pull; the heart and the flower. They both sell for $29.95 and can be purchased from the Ms. Dress Up website! A unique feature of the zipper pull has to be that it doubles as jewellery once you've zipped up your dress. 

This unique product is perfect for helping you get ready for events AND taking with you to the store when you're trying to find dresses. Instead of asking a sales associate to zip you up, you have the freedom to do it yourself comfortably!

Let me know you thoughts on the product in the comments below!


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  1. This is such a cute and innovative invention; I love it! Thanks for sharing :)


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